Stoke Trister with Bayford Parish Council
Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held electronically on 10 September 2020
Public Forum:
There was no public forum as no public had contacted Councillors or Clerk for any issues they may have.
Present: Cllrs: N Linsley (Chairman) M Grant (Vice Chairman) J Macfarlane, M Summerfield, R Webb-Bowen and J Garrett. D/Cllr R Bastable
1. Apologies – C/Councillor Anna Groskop
2. Declarations of Interest – None
3. Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting of 9 July 2020 and Planning Meeting.
It was resolved to approve and sign the minutes as a true record
Proposed: Cllr Garrett Seconded: Cllr Webb-Bowen
4. Financial Matters
a. Statement of Account and bank reconciliation
b. Bank Balances to 31 August 2020.
A resolution is sought to accept the financial statement as at 31 August 2020. Stoke Trister & Bayford PC Current A/c £10,459.43; Stoke Trister & Bayford PC Reserve A/c £8715.57; Leigh Common Savings A/c £5105.90.
Proposed: Cllr Webb-Bowen Seconded: Cllr Garrett
c. A resolution is sought to agree the following payments.
BAC’s payment Glasdon UK Ltd 3713.86
BAC’s payment Brue Computing 25.00
BAC’s payment AED Locator EU Ltd 2518.80
BAC’s payment Bayford Mission Hall donation 125.00
BAC’s payment Vale Signs & Print (signage) 116.00
BAC’s payment SALC (training) 30.00
BAC’s payment SALC (subs) 93.79
BAC’s payment Clerk Salary, arrears & expenses & Council
Expenses. 599.39
Proposed: Cllr Webb-Bowen Seconded: Cllr Linsley
5. Planning Matters
a. New Planning Matters
Planning Application: 20/02418/FUL
Applicant: Mr Minney
Location: Riding Gate House, Riding Gate, Wincanton.
Proposal: Conversion of existing outbuilding to provide ancillary accommodation – No objections.
b. Outcome of planning matters already considered
Planning Application No: 20/00638/FUL
Applicant: Mr & Mrs Garrett
Location: Highcroft, Stoke Trister, Wincanton.
Erection of a dwelling (resubmission) – Awaiting decision.
Planning Application No: 20/01511/FUL
Location: Land adjacent to Orchard Farm, Leigh Common, Wincanton.
Proposal: Construction of engineered noise attenuation bund. –
Stoke Trister with Bayford Parish Council have no objections to the attached application provided it is done completely in line with the plan produced – Awaiting decision.
6. Highways
No formal report from Cllr Summerfield.
Clerk reports that the gateways are at SSDC awaiting installation. Clerk has written to Gary Warren again requesting a date for installation. Several other 30mph signs have been erected in Bayford in an attempt to back up the gateways, when installed, in trying to keep traffic to the speed limit.
Chairman highlighted the parking on top of Bayford Hill on the left going towards Wincanton. This has made it dangerous for traffic coming from Bayford could be overtaking the parked cars etc., before oncoming traffic can be seen. As this is Wincanton area the Clerk has written to Wincanton Town Clerk regarding this problem. Unfortunately to date there has been no reply. Traffic Police were noticed in this area being mid-morning which is not as busy as rush hour. Clerk requested Police to check around 7 – 9am and 4 to 6pm when there was much more traffic.
7. Footpaths
Report from Cllr Webb Bowen. Councillors will be aware that SSDC are now taking an interest in Devenish Lane since installation of the gate. I will speak to the land owners when I next see them. As for bridleways, I was very pleased to see that a major refurbishment has clearly taken place to the bridleway entrance at the northern end of Beech Lane. Clerk contacted John Nicholson of Highways on the subject of the gate in Devenish Lane his reply was “Following some interesting discussions, I have been made aware that it was the local land owners that have installed the gate. So, I have written to the various land owners behind the gate and await their replies.
Apparently the gate has been well received by local residents as it has reduce/removed the fly tipping and delinquency at the end of that nor though road. Does the Parish (via the Clerk) have any views?†Councillors have no objections to the gate.
8. Riding Gate and East View
Clerk has had no response from Cllr Bastable regarding becoming involved with both of these issues. As both problems have now been going on for many years they need to be brought to a swift conclusion by SSDC.
9. Defibrillator
Report from Cllr Garrett. Defibrillator – I am happy to report that the defibrillator has now being purchased following funding of £750 successfully secured by Mac from the Polygon Trust and £1,000 secured from SSDC’s Community Grants Fund, meaning that the cost to Stoke Trister and Bayford Parish Council has been reduced to about £560 currently. We also may be investing in some paint for the phonebox. Niru has provided an update on this.
The electrician is has indicated that he will be able to install it in the phonebox in the week commencing the 21st September. I will be contacting the supplier to see if we can do a mail out/leaflet drop to the village to advertise the arrival. Unfortunately due to COVID 19 our training plans have been delayed, however the mail out will contain a link.
In the meantime I plan to recruit first responders and a monitoring team from Bayford now we physically have the item.
Clerk reports due to unforeseen circumstances the painting of the phone box is now to be done by a painter, Paul White. Paul is due to finish the painting in the very near future. Clerk can then finalise the donation from SSDC. The signage has been done.
10. Grit Bins
Thank you to those Councillors who checked the grit bins in their area. Clerk has checked the remainder and requested filling / not filling to SSDC.
11. Date of Next Meeting
12 November 2020
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Chairman Date