Minutes of the Parish Council 9 July 2020

Stoke Trister with Bayford Parish Council

Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held electronically on 9 July2020

Public Forum:

There was no public forum.

Present: Cllrs: N Linsley (Chairman) M Grant (Vice Chairman) J Macfarlane, M Summerfield, R Webb-Bowen and J Garrett. 

1. Apologies – None

2. Declarations of Interest – None

3. Minutes of the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council and The Annual Parish Meeting held on 14 May 2020 plus electronically controlled Planning Meeting.

It was resolved to approve and sign the minutes as a true record

Proposed: Cllr Grant Seconded: Cllr Webb-Bowen

4. Financial Matters

a. Statement of Account and bank reconciliation

b. Bank Balances 30 June 2020. 

A resolution is sought to accept the financial statement as at 30 June 2020. Stoke Trister & Bayford PC Current A/c £17,707.88; Stoke Trister & Bayford PC Reserve A/c £8534.92; Leigh Common Savings A/c £5105.51. 

Proposed: Cllr Linsley Seconded: Cllr Grant

c. A resolution is sought to agree the following payments. 

Cheque No: 000498 Wessex Water   11.52 

Cheque No: 000499 Payman     72.00

Cheque No: 000500 Came & Company 355.94

BAC’s Payment 20/06/2020 Bayford Hall   60.00

BAC’s Payment 22/06/2020 P J Light (repairs) 385.00

BAC’s Payment 22/06/2020 Pinnacle Accountancy 120.00

BAC’s Payment due 9/07/2020 Clerk Salary, expenses &

Council Expenses 551.30

Proposed: Cllr Webb-Bowen Seconded: Cllr Linsley

5. Planning Matters

a. New Planning Matters

Planning Application No:  20/01511/FUL

Location: Land adjacent to Orchard Farm, Leigh Common, Wincanton. 

Proposal: Construction of engineered noise attenuation bund. –

Stoke Trister with Bayford Parish Council have no objections to the attached application provided it is done completely in line with the plan produced.

b. Outcome of planning matters already considered

Planning Application No: 20/00638/FUL

Applicant: Mr & Mrs Garrett

Location: Highcroft, Stoke Trister, Wincanton.

Erection of a dwelling (resubmission) – Awaiting decision.

6. Highways

No formal report from Cllr Summerfield.

Clerk has ordered the gateways and they will be installed by SSDC.

7. Footpaths

Cllr Webb-Bowen reported that he has now been contacted by the Rights of Way Volunteer and Trails Officer (Martin Cooper) and will be taking matters forward as advised by him and Cllr Grant.  The recently-installed gate on Devenish Lane will be an obvious priority.

8. Riding Gate and East View

No further information

9. Defibrillator

Cllr Garrett has worked extremely hard to bring the issue of the defibrillator to a final conclusion. I for one would like to thank her very much for the time and effort she has put into this. The defibrillator is now on order and will be installed as soon as possible.

10. Audit

The audit is now ready to send to the auditors

11. LGR

Only 3 replies made conclusive comments. Chairman wrote a letter to accompany the vote stating certain criteria to agree to the LGR

12. Date of Next Meeting 

10 September 2020

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Chairman   Date