We have a Defibrillator in Bayford!

Would you be able to save a life?


  • Sudden cardiac arrests affect 7 million people a year worldwide (HeartSine)
  • No warnings, no patterns
  • Little time to react and even less time to think
  • Survival from cardiac arrest decreases by 10% every minute from time of collapse to defibrillation. (HeartSine)

So, what is happening in Bayford to meet this need?

  • A brand-new Community Defibrillator has been installed in the Telephone Box by The Unicorn Inn. It was purchased by the Stoke Trister with Bayford Parish Council, with a donation from The Polygon Trust and a grant from South Somerset District Council.
  • This enables the local community to respond to an emergency sudden cardiac arrest thus improving the casualty’s chances of survival. 
  • Resuscitation can be commenced until the Emergency Ambulance Services arrive.

What can I do, I am not a trained healthcare worker?

  • First and foremost, DIAL 999 AND ASK FOR AN AMBULANCE. 
  • The operator will ask questions to assess what exactly is required, e.g., is the person unconscious, responding, breathing, has a pulse?
  • They will then decide if a defibrillator is needed and direct you to the nearest available one.
  • An access code will be given to you and you will be instructed on how to retrieve it.
  • They will also dispatch a Paramedic Team to the site.
  • In addition, they may instruct you to commence Cardiopulmonary Resuscitations (CPR).
  • If there are two of you, one will do this and the other fetch the defibrillator.
  • The defibrillator is retrieved by entering the code given to you.

What do I do then?

  • This defibrillator is specifically designed for use by lay people with little or no training.
  • When switched on, it will talk you through step-by-step instructions on what to do. 

So, why am I being contacted?

  • Sometimes there may only be one person with the casualty. They would dial 999 as above. 
  • They will need a 2nd person to retrieve the defibrillator, while they start CPR. 
  • This 2nd person is called a FIRST RESPONDER. 
  • We need a small team of locals to volunteer to be First Responders
  • You will be providing a vital service to the community.

How will these First Responders Team operate?

  • FULL TRAINING on how to access and use the defibrillator will be available to any volunteer.
  • Your contact details will be on the Bayford Village website as a First Responder.
  • If a medical emergency occurred in Bayford you would be asked to retrieve the defibrillator from the phone box and take it to the site of the incident.

So, if you would like to help and become a First Responder, please contact: Jo Garrett on jogarrett29@aol.com for further information.

It could be you or your loved ones who may need this vital emergency service!

Interested in finding out more?” Please contact Councillor Jo Garrett at jogarrett29@aol.com

Your First Responders
If no one else is close, please contact below to retrieve the defibrillator:
Laura Rose-Walker 07772436812
Chris Rose-Walker 07919261739
Jo Garrett- 07973631744
Aly Diggle-Perry – 07770221330

BE PREPARED: take a moment and scan QR code below with your phone, it only takes seconds but could help save a life.

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