Welcome to

Stoke Trister and
Bayford Parish

Welcome to Stoke Trister with Bayford Parish Council, a small rural parish set in the picturesque countryside of South Somerset, close to the border of North Dorset and Wiltshire.

What we do

The parish council supports and advises residents on a wide range of issues which affect the local community and the rural environment. We also notify local residents about information coming from Somerset County Council and South Somerset District Council.


All parish council meetings are held in the Village Hall, Bayford, commencing at 7.30pm. Members of the press and public are welcome.

Meeting agendas and draft minutes from previous meetings will be posted on the parish noticeboards at Bayford Village Hall, School House and the triangle in Stoke Trister. Agendas will be posted at least three clear working days prior to each meeting.