Minutes of the meeting of the Parish Council held on
Thursday 12 November 2020 at 7.30pm via Zoom
Public Forum
No members of the public joined the meeting. Chairman read the report from PCSO Tim Russell’s report and reported on the vandalism happening within the local villages.
Cllrs: N Linsley (Chairman) M Grant (Vice Chairman), M Summerfield, R Webb-Bowen and J Garrett. C/Councillor A Groskop, D/Councillor R Bastable.
1.Apologies – None
2.Declarations of Interest – None
3.Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 12 November 2020
It was resolved to approve and sign the minutes as a true record:
Proposed Cllr Garrett s.Seconded Cllr Grant
4.Planning Matters
a.New Planning Matters
There were no new planning matters.
b.Outcome of planning matters already considered
Planning Application No: 20/00638/FUL
Applicants: Mr & Mrs Garrett
Location: Highcroft, Stoke Trister, Wincanton.
Proposal: Erection of a dwelling (resubmission) – Awaiting decision.
Mrs Garrett had a response from the Planning Department acknowledging the letter she had written to them regarding her application but unfortunately no further information so far.
Chairman reported on the letter that she had written to Val Keitch, Leader of the Council, regarding the lack of responses from the Planning Department. Chairman also spoke of the permission for two properties being allowed just across the road from Mr & Mrs Garrett’s application. Cllr Bastable’s response was that they were entirely different. Chairman stated the point was that the Planning Office approved the 2 houses despite a split vote in the Parish Council and much opposition from resident. However, the Planning Officer asked for clarification on what seemed like trivia relating to Mr & Mrs Garrett’s application which was unanimously supported by the Parish Council and residents.
Cllr Summerfield spoke of the installation of the Gateways and in particular the one coming from Wincanton through Bayford to Riding Gate. It had been placed on the right hand side of the road and past properties that lived in Riding Gate thus making them live in no man’s land. When the Clerk wrote to Gary Warren (Senior Traffic Engineer for South Somerset) to complain that the sign was in the wrong place he stated it had been agreed with Cllr Summerfield. Cllr Summerfield refuted this statement and said it was totally untrue. Chairman to take a look at the road at Riding Gate and Clerk and Cllr Summerfield will meet and decide where the sign will be reinstated.
Cllr Webb-Bowen reported on the Gate that had been erected in Devenish Lane. Mr Perry and Mr Hasket had erected the gate. The issues with the gate are still not resolved. Cllr Webb-Bowen said he would speak with Mr Perry again. Cllr Web-Bowen also mentioned that the bridle path in Riding Gate was blocked and had a broken stile. Chairman had reported to South Somerset District Council that there were wet rotting leaves on the steps in Stoke Lane underpass, Rights of Way emailed her to say the problem had been resolved but it hasn’t. She emailed back to say it had not been resolved. Japanese Knotweed along the track just off Stoke Lane which was reported in August 2020 and again now. Cllr Webb-Bowen to investigate further and Cllr Bastable will also contact South Somerset District Council regarding this.
a.Statement of account and Bank Reconciliation
b.Bank balances to 31 October 2020.
A resolution is sought to accept the financial statement as at 31 October 2020. Stoke Trister & Bayford PC Current A/C£10,307.54 Stoke Trister&Bayford PC Reserve A/C£8715.71 Leigh Common Savings A/C £5105.98
Proposed: Cllr Summerfield Seconded: Cllr Garrett
c.A resolution is sought to agree the following payments
BAC’s | J D Electricals | 115.00 |
BAC’s | Vale Signs & Print | 90.00 |
BAC’s | PF & SE White | 280.00 |
BAC’s | Paper Trees | 67.50 |
BAC’s | Clerks salary, expenses & Council expenses. | 573.97 |
Proposed: Cllr Garrett Seconded: Cllr Webb-Bowen
8.Riding Gate & East View
As there has been nothing done towards sorting out both of these issues Cllr Bastable suggested sending an email to Netta Meadows.
Cllr Garrett discussed the completion of the defibrillator. Guardians are in place and she is now waiting to have an on site demonstration from Heartsafe. Unfortunately, this cannot happen yet due to Covid 19 guidelines. However, a Zoom training session has been requested by Cllr Garrett.
Cllr Grant was waiting for another cheque signature for the donation from the Polygon Trust.
Chairman spoke of the different website prices she had obtained. Cllr Garrett requested finding out more from the Yeovil company. Cllr Grant spoke highly of the Milborne Port company. Cllr Webb-Bowen did say you only get what you pay for. Chairman will speak to both companies again.
Chairman spoke about updating the out of date regulations, stating that she would look through them and put each section out to the Councillors to update. Cllr Bastable suggested speaking to SALC for Standing Orders. Cllr Webb-Bowen will take on the Risk Assessment and Cllr Garrett took on the Standing Orders.
Clerk to change the date on the top of the Precept paper. Chairman mentioned the £500 that was paid to the Parochial Church Council each year for cutting the grass in the Churchyard. Cllr Bastable stated that if it was an open churchyard then the Parish Council would be liable.
A resolution was requested to agree the Precept.
Proposed: Cllr Webb-Bowen Seconded: Cllr Grant
14.Date of next meeting
The date of the next meeting will be on Thursday 14 January 2021
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Chairman     Date