Stoke Trister with Bayford Parish Council
Minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting
held on Thursday 9 May 2019 in
Bayford Mission Hall at 7.30 pm
Present: Mr E Parsons, Mrs N Linsley, J Macfarlane, Mr M Grant, and Mrs M Summerfield.
Clerk in attendance: Mrs P Gillman
Public: SDC Robin Bastable, Peter Munro, T MacCaw and Jane McKenna
1. Apologies for Absence – A Chesterman
2. Minutes of the last meeting held 10 May 2018
Minutes of the last meeting held on 10 May 2018 had been signed off at the Parish Council meeting on 12 July 2018
3.Matters Arising from the Minutes
Matters arising from the previous meeting had been dealt with at the Parish Council meeting held on 12 July 2018
4. Chairman’s Report
Welcome. In the last year 16 planning applications were dealt with and it is anticipated that the coming year will see further and perhaps considerable more in this directions. The Unicorn has been much discussed. No final decision has been made on the acquisition or otherwise of a defibrillator or a S.I.D. Constant pressure will have to be kept on District to maintain the parish’s infrastructure. However, the major problem facing Stoke Trister & Bayford in the immediate future is membership. It takes 3 Councillors to be present together to be quorate. We are supposed to have 7 but there are 3 vacancies. Under these circumstances, sickness or holidays can make it easy to fall short to 2 and be unable to conduct any business. If you think you can help, the workload is not too onerous – see the Clerk.
I would like to thank on your behalf as well as on my own Anna Groskop and PCSO Tim Russel for their frequent attendance and assistance. Also the neighbourhood watchers and my fellow Councillors and last but not least the Parish Clerk, all of whom have helped me in the position of Chairman over 16 years. It has been both a pleasure and a privilege to have been able to serve the Parish over that length of time, but, the time has now arrived for fresh blood to take over and face the battles ahead. Good Luck to you all.
5. PSCO Tim Russell’s Report .
Only 2 crimes were reported in the last month. Workman’s vans are being targeted and sheds need to be securely locked as thieves are still after tools and machinery.
6. Neighbourhood Watch Report
Peter Munro regularly patrolled the village for any problems but everything seemed to be fine.
7. Public Question Forum
Robin Bastable received an email from Janet Montgomery from Brimble Lee who wanted an on-site meeting with him at Church Farm. Robin wanted to know the feelings of the Parish Council with regard to the planning application made by Church Farm. The Planning Officer was recommending refusal and the Councillors requested the grounds on what the main objections were. The Parish Councils decision was split on this request and the application will possibly go to Area East for a final decision
8. Date of next meeting
To be advised
There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 7.55pm.
Chairman Date