Minutes of the Parish Council 21 March 2019

Stoke Trister with Bayford Parish Council

Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 21 March 2019 

in Bayford Village Hall at 7.30pm

Public Forum:

Mark Warren made a presentation of the plans for the application for the Unicorn Inn. To make the pub a viable financial proposition it would need to take around £4,000.00 per week. It would have 2 rooms for rental and the annexe. There would be kitchen facilities for doing limited food. Parishioners and Councillors asked many questions and it was felt that it may not be possible to achieve the £4,000.00 per week needed to make the pub a financial proposition. However, the plans shown and the ideas given formed the basis of the application to be applied for. The general feeling of the parishioners was that the pub was desirable for the benefit of the village.

NB: Councillor Linsley did not partake in the Public Forum discussion.

Present: Cllrs: E Parsons (Chairman) N Linsley and J Macfarlane, M Grant and M Summerfield. 

Clerk in attendance: Mrs P Gillman

Public: Mr & Mrs Martin, Mr Record, Mark Warren, Helen Smith, Miss Howard, Brian Garton, Mr Cummins, Mr Fray, Mrs Aya, Mr Giles, Mr & Mrs Goldsack and Tanya Martin.

69. Apologies – Cllr: T MacCaw.

70. Declarations of Interest – None

71. Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting of 10 January 2019 and Planning Meetings of 8 February and 8 March 2019.

A resolution is sought to approve and sign the minutes as a true record.

Cllr Macfarlane questioned the minutes, therefore they were not signed at this meeting. Clerk to check on a few points of clarity.

72. Financial Matters

a. Statement of Account and bank reconciliation

b. Bank Balances 28 February 2019. A resolution is sought to accept the financial statement as at 28 February 2019. Stoke Trister & Bayford PC Current A/c £5860.25; Stoke Trister & Bayford PC Reserve A/c £7989.07; Leigh Common Savings A/c £5101.89. 

c. A resolution is sought to sign the following cheques

Cheque No: 000461           (cheque cancelled due to incorrect date.

Cheque No: 000462 Clerks salary, expenses & council expenses 553.91

Cheque No: 000463 Bayford Hall Hire       60.00®

Cheque No: 000464 Clerks salary, expenses & council expenses 630.57

Proposed: Cllr Grant             Seconded: Cllr Macfarlane

73. Planning Matters

a. New Planning Matters

Planning Application No: 18/03938/FUL

Applicant: Mrs J Calderwood

Location:  Land rear of 2 Cambria Villas Devenish Lane Bayford Wincanton. BA9 9NG

Proposal:  The erection of a new single storey dwelling and the formation of a new vehicular access off Bayford Hill. – No further information.

Planning Application No: 19/00373/FUL

Applicant: Mr & Mrs Garrett

Location:  Highcroft, Bayford Lane, Stoke Trister, Wincanton. BA9 9PG

Proposal:  Erection of a new dwelling. – No further information.

Planning Application No: 19/00258/OUT

Applicant: Mr M and Miss F Haskett and Thornton

Location:  Land at Church Farm, Stoke Trister, Wincanton BA9 9PG

Proposal:  Outline application with all matters reserved for the redevelopment of Church Farm buildings and bungalow and erection of 2 dwellings. – No further information.

Applicant: Mr Chris Bellars

Location: Land at Sycamore Farm, Stoke Trister, Wincanton.

Proposal: The conversion of existing domestic storage building into a single dwelling and the erection of a car port. – We recommend refusal of this application since the applicant has not demonstrated that the proposal would meet the requirement of SS2 in the local plan. However, we understand that the barn conversion proposed would be for family use only and we would be sympathetic to this if a new application was made for conversion ancillary to the existing dwelling on the property. – No further information.

b. Outcome of planning matters already considered: 

Planning Application No: 18/01991/FUL

Planning Application No: 18/02838/FUL

Applicant: Mr & Mrs Davis

Location:  Willow Tree Farm, Stoke Trister, Wincanton. BA9 8NQ

Proposal:  Change of use to sui generis to include agricultural /equestrian and animal rescue charity. The erection of a building for use as a training centre for dog and cat grooming and in association with all elements of the rural enterprise. – Permitted with conditions

Planning Application No: 18/03347/S73

Applicant: Mr & Mrs Davis

Location:  Willow Tree Farm, Stoke Trister, Wincanton. BA9 8NQ

Proposal:  Application to vary conditions 02 of approval 13/001459/FUL – occupancy. – Permitted with conditions.

Several residents of Stoke Trister had reported to Cllr Macfarlane on the dangerous structures at East View and the seriousness of the situation. It has been reported to Planning who are dealing with it.

74. Highways

Cllr Macfarlane noted that the drains had been pumped out. Cllr Grant reported that new barriers had been installed in Beech Lane.

Cllr Summerfield was unanimously voted to be the Highways Officer.

Proposed: Cllr. Parsons Seconded: Cllr. Grant

b. SID. No further information.

75. Footpaths

Cllr Grant reported that ramblers have been in and around Frith Farm. He has noted the stiles that need repair.

76. Riding Gate

Cllr Linsley spoke of the riding Gate issues at the Area East Meeting. Cllr Linsley thanked Cllr Groskop and Cllr Beech for their input and help at the meeting. Tim Cooke was requested by the Chairman Nick Weeks to contact planning to escalate the situation after being allowed to go on for so long. To be discussed at the next Area East Meeting on 10 April 2019 at 9 am.

77. Defibrillator

Cllr Linsley had spoken to Lottery Funding about the defibrillator. They requested a survey from parishioners to see if that is what was wanted. Cllr Linsley did not have the time to do another survey on the village. Cllr Grant wished to know the need for a defibrillator as it would be possible for him to get funding from one of his charities. South West Ambulance appeared to be quite good but the cost was £1,800.00 per year. Cllr Linsley has 3 people to monitor the defibrillator for when it goes ahead.

It was decided to leave the decision until the July meeting.

78. Unicorn Inn

As discussed in Public Forum.

79. Tender

The tender for grasskeep for this season went to Stuart Barfoot.

80. Payman

It was unanimously agreed to allow the increase in fees.

Proposed: Cllr Grant Seconded: Cllr Parsons

81. Risk Assessment, Code of conduct, Standing Orders, Financial Regulations, Freedom of Information.

It was unanimously agreed to re-adopt all sections.

68. Date of Next Meetings 

9 May 2019

Meeting closed at 9.06pm
