Stoke Trister with Bayford Parish Council
Minutes of a Site Planning Meeting of
Stoke Trister with Bayford Parish Council held on 8 March 2019
Present: Cllrs: E Parsons (Chairman) J Macfarlane, N Linsley, M Grant and M Summerfield.
Public: Elizabeth Becker, Jane Turner, Mr & Mrs Garrett, Ian Piper, Alison Dixon and Mr & Mrs Phillips
Clerk in attendance:
Mrs P Gillman
1. Apologies – Cllr: T MacCaw
2. Declarations of Interest – None
3. Planning
Planning Application No:
Planning Application: 19/00373/FUL
Applicant: Mr & Mrs Garrett
Location: Highcroft, Bayford Lane, Stoke Trister, Wincanton BA9 9PG
Proposal: Erection of a new dwelling.
Mr Garrett explained the proposal with plans and drawings to build a ‘1.5 house’ for them to occupy + a detached garage to the front of the property. The house will face the valley to take in the exceptional views.
Public discussions:
As Mr Garrett owns the bungalow at the back of and adjacent to the land, why not knock that down and build a family home out there with the garden embracing the land under discussion. He said the footprint would not be suitable.
Where are the boundaries on the roadside of the land? Who owns them?
Mr Garrett explained that there are 2 boundaries, the large trees form inner boundary which he owns and the outer boundary which is owned by the council although it has not been maintained by them. It had posts and wire which was falling down and decrepit and Mr G had to remove them as they were causing potential hazard.
Does the land require permission to cross council land, i.e. access? Mr Garrett did not think so as he can access his land now.
Concern regarding water run-off with all the digging that will occur when building work commences. (Public member mentioned the issues next door on Butts Farm where water run off is a major problem). It was deemed this building work would be a one-off so should not be an issue.
Does the land need a Geological survey?
There is a house at the bottom of the land. Apparently, the owner is neutral on this proposal as long as only one property is sanctioned. The lady at the bottom of the land had requested a Geological Survey to verify the stability of the land and the safety of run off and drainage.
How tall will the building be?
Mrs Garrett explained that the house will be 1.5 storeys tall house and will be built into the slope at the back. Some discussion took place as to whether it is 1.5 or 2 storeys.
Parish Council decision:
Unanimous agreement for permission to be granted as long as the comments above can be addressed. It was important to state that the Councillors thought local residents who have been in the area for long periods as Mr & Mrs Garrett have, should be encouraged and supported with plans to stay in Stoke Trister.
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Chairman Date