Land adjacent to Highbrook – Planning Officer at the time was Richard Hawkey
28 September 2018 – Stoke Trister with Bayford Parish Council had a site planning meeting for the outline permission for a detached two storey dwelling. Application No: 18/02145/OUT. Refusal was recommended by the Parish Council.
With correspondence between Cllr Smith and Mike Beech it was agreed that Cllr Smith would attend the Area East Meeting on 13 February 2019 to recommend refusal.
On 12 February 2019 Cllr Smith resigned from the Parish Council thus not attending the Area East Meeting and stating the Councillors reasons for refusal of this application. Area East Committee decided to pass this application despite the previous objections.
Stoke Trister with Bayford Parish Council had another site meeting on 21 June 2019 for the Reserved Matters. Application No: 19/01284/REM. Refusal was recommended by the Parish Council.
It came to light after both meetings that the land adjacent to Highbrook that the house was due to be built on was land with an agricultural tie as confirmed by John Millar in his email of 11 July 2019.
After John Millar’s departure David Kenyon took over his work. In David Kenyon’s very convoluted email of 23 July 2019, David Kenyon is implying the Parish Council knew this was agricultural land after they had recommended refusal on both applications. Surely SSDC should have known this before they decided to pass the outline application.
It is decided to pass this case on to Val Keitch and Alex Parmley.
Email thread to be attached / enclosed.