Minutes of the Parish Council 12 July 2018

Stoke Trister with Bayford Parish Council

Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 12 July 2018 

in Bayford Village Hall at 7.30pm

Public Forum:

The Chairman circulated an email to Councillors from PCSO Russell which noted that he is to have a new colleague in the area PCSO 9289 Emma Reeves – emma.reeves@avonandsomerset.police.uk

Present: Cllrs: E Parsons (Chairman) T MacCaw (Vice Chairman) N Linsley, J Macfarlane and  M Grant 

Clerk in attendance: Mrs P Gillman

16. Apologies – None

17. Declarations of Interest – None

18. Minutes of the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council and The Annual Parish Meeting held on 10 May 2018 and Planning Meetings of 4 and 30 May, 14 and 29 June 2018. 

A resolution is sought to approve and sign the minutes as a true record

Proposed: Cllr. Grant Seconded: Cllr. Linsley

19. Financial Matters

a. Statement of Account and bank reconciliation

b. Bank Balances 30 June 2018. A resolution is sought to accept the financial statement as at 30 June 2018. Stoke Trister & Bayford PC Current A/c £8482.19; Stoke Trister & Bayford PC Reserve A/c £7786.41; Leigh Common Savings A/c £5099.96.

Cheque No: 000452 Wessex Water                         13.38 

Cheque No: 000453 Clerks’ salary & expenses & Council expenses                   562.09

c. A resolution is sought to sign the following cheques

Cllr: Macfarlane Seconded: Cllr. MacCaw

20. Planning Matters

a. New Planning Matters

Ms Veronica Bygrove, Riding Gate Farmhouse, Riding Gate BA9 8NQ.- There were no objections to this application.

Planning Application Nos: 18/00933/FUL and 18/00931/COL

Applicant:  18/00933/FUL

Location: Sunny Hill Park Campsite, Riding Gate, Wincanton. BA9 9NG

Proposal: Removal of caravans and the erection of 5 No chalets to be used for permanent residential occupation.


Application for a Lawful Development Certificate for the use of 3 No caravans as permanent residential occupation.


On-site meeting held at Sunnyhill Farm (campsite), Riding Hill Gate, Wincanton BA9 8NG on 30th May 2018. 

The Chairman clarified that, although the applicants’ campsite was situated just within the boundary of the neighbouring parish of Charlton Musgrove, notice of the Applications had been sent to Stoke Trister with Bayford PC by the planning authority, as was customary, so that the PC could express a view, if it wished, on its own behalf and on behalf of local residents. 

The applicants and many of those present then expressed at considerable length their views for or against the two Applications. 

After taking note of the representations made to them councillors decided to postpone coming to a conclusion until they had had the opportunity to consider further the planning history leading to these Applications.

Meeting held on 14th June 2018 at Bayford Mission Hall.

After lengthy discussion of the material submitted by applicants in support of the Applications, and other documents posted on the SSDC Planning Office website,


  1. That with regard to Planning Application 18/00931/COL in view of the lack of convincing evidence in support of the Application councillors recommend that a Lawful Development Certificate be refused.
  2. That with regard to Planning Application 18/00933/FUL councillors support Charlton Musgrove Parish Council’s recommendations, set out in their Clerk’s email of 24th May 2108 to SSDC Case Officer, Lee Walton, that the Application be refused.

Please note: The Rights of Way Officer should be informed as ROW’s numbers WN28/6 and WN8/10 run through this property and one is supposedly blocked.

Mrs Power, The Cottage, Bayford, Wincanton. BA9 9NJ  Due to the holiday season we were unable to muster a quorum. Whilst there a minor issues we cannot put in the report and the Chairman has decided not to call another meeting.

b. Outcome of planning matters already considered: 

Ms Veronica Bygrove, Riding Gate Farmhouse, Riding Gate BA9 8NQ.- There were no objections to this application.- Application permitted with conditions.

d. Any other planning matters received since the agenda was prepared

c.At this point the Chairman made a statement concerning Planning Meetings because some doubt as to their necessity was being aired. He pointed out that Planning consultations were requested by the Planning Department so that local opinion could be fed to them. Planning Meetings allow the proposal to be debated by the Parish Council and a reply submitted. Individual Councillors can send in their own views but not in the name of the Council. If it is necessary to hold a formal meeting to debate the proposal there are obvious benefits for doing it on site.

21. Correspondence

Cllr Linsley requested putting the Seafarers letter on the main notice board.

22. Highways

No further information.

SID. It was decided to have some kind of tracking system for the traffic which will be discussed at a later meeting. The allowance for this will be added to the November Precept.

23. Footpaths

Cllr Grant has found a footpath that needs attention. He is to take some photographs of the problem and send it onto the footpath officer.

Cllr Linsley will write to Rob Coate re the Devenish Lane footpath as very little has been done along there only an arrow put on a fence.

24. Riding Gate

Clerk to make regular calls to Neil Waddleton to get updates on the situation with campers at Riding Gate.

25. Defibrillator

No further information.

26. Unicorn Inn

Clerk to contact the Planning Department as it appears that the landlord is not complying with the conditions of the Granny Annexe

27. National Salary Award

It was unanimously agreed to allow the Clerk the National Salary Award.

Proposed Cllr Parsons Seconded: Cllr MacCaw

28. Date of Next Meeting 

13 September 2018

Meeting closed at 8.25pm

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Chairman Date