Stoke Trister with Bayford Parish Council
Minutes of the Annual Meeting of the Parish
Council held on 10 May 2018 in
Bayford Village Hall at 7.30pm
Public Forum:
The Chairman read a letter from Mr & Mrs Garton re a donation of £50 towards a book they are compiling on Bayford. It was agreed to allow the £50 on completion of the book.
Present: Cllrs: E Parsons (Chairman) N Linsley, J Macfarlane, M Grant and A Smith. C/Councillor A Groskop
Public: Mr Osborne
Clerk in attendance: Mrs P Gillman
1. Apologies – T MacCaw and I Andrews
2. Declarations of Interest – None
3. Election of Officers
Chairman E Parsons
Vice Chairman T MacCaw
Highways A Smith
Footpaths M Grant
Beech Lane A Smith
Tree Officer N Linsley
Website B Giles
Proposed N Linsley – Seconded M Grant
4. Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 8 March 2018
It was resolved to approve and sign the minutes as a true record
Proposed: A Smith Seconded: J Macfarlane
5. Financial Matters
- a. Statement of Account and bank reconciliation
- Bank Balances 31 March 2018. A resolution is sought to accept the financial statement as at 31 March 2018. Stoke Trister & Bayford PC Current A/c £2296.37; Stoke Trister & Bayford PC Reserve A/c £7585.77; Leigh Common Savings A/c £5099.32.
- A resolution is sought to sign the following cheques
Cheque No: 000445 Somerset & Dorset Air Ambulance 175.00
Cheque No: 000446 PCC Churchyard Donation 500.00
Cheque No: 000447 PCC Newsletter Donation 50.00
Cheque No: 000448 Came & Company (Insurance) 285.60
Cheque No: 000449 Payman 48.00
Cheque No: 000450 Pinnacle Accountancy 108.00
Cheque No: 000451 Clerks’ salary & expenses & Council expenses 518.71
Proposed: Cllr Parsons Seconded: Cllr Smith
6. Planning Matters
There were no new planning matters
7. Correspondence
As there has been no response to the donation to the CAB the Clerk has been asked to write to them to ask for a copy of the Auditors Accounts.
8. Highways
Clerk to write to Chris Cooper in the attempt to stop the fly tipping by the underpass on the Stoke Trister lane by having a bollard put there.
9. Footpaths
Cllr Linsley reported on Mrs Durant’s letter re the footpath in Devenish Lane by the corner bungalow. Clerk to contact Lee Walton and Rob Coate to explain what has happened re the lost Footpath.
10. General Data Protection
After discussion and advice from C/Councillor Ann Groskop who stated that provided the Councillors were happy for me to have their information, which they were, and that they were happy to look after their own details we would have done what is needed for the new Data Protection.
11. Defibrillator
As Cllr Smith has been busy of late he has not had time to address the defibrillator issues, however he will get back to sorting it out very soon.
12. Selection of Day for Planning Meetings
Cllr Smith requested holding a monthly meeting, unfortunately this would not work with planning meetings. After a long discussion it was agreed to change the meeting to Wednesday mornings.
13. Audit
It was unanimously agreed to sign the Audit
14. Riding Gate
Clerk to contact Neil Waddleton again to see what is happening with the people at Riding Gate, also to contact Lee Walton re Sunny Hill Farm/Parks Campsite.
15. Date of Next Meeting
12 July 2018
Meeting closed at 8.50pm
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