Minutes of the meeting of the Parish Council Thursday 10 March 2022

Minutes of the meeting of the Parish Council held on

Thursday 10 March 2022 at 7.30pm in Bayford Hall

Public Forum

After extensive discussion with Helen Smith and Pam Williams regarding the Queens Platinum Jubilee Celebrations it was unanimously agreed to allow the 3rd tranche of the Opening up Safely Grant of £2,500 towards the celebrations.


Cllrs: N Linsley (Chairman), M Grant (Vice Chairman), J Garrett, and L Rose-Walker.

Public: Helen Smith and Pam Taylor

1.Apologies – C/Councillor A Groskop and D/Councillor R Bastable

2. Declarations of Interest – None

3.Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 13 January 2022.

It was resolved to approve and sign the minutes as a true record

Proposed Cllr Rose-Walker                                   Seconded Cllr Garrett

4.Planning Matters

a New Planning Matters

Planning Application No: 22/00347/HOU 

Applicant: MR & MRS RUSHE

Proposal: Removal of existing conservatory.  Addition of kitchen extension

Location: Manor House Manor Farm Lane Stoke Trister Wincanton Somerset BA9 9PH

Planning Application No: 22/00348/LBC 

Applicant: MR & MRS RUSHE

Proposal: Removal of existing conservatory.  Addition of kitchen extension

Location: Manor House Manor Farm Lane Stoke Trister Wincanton Somerset BA9 9PH

b. Outcome of planning matters already considered

There were no further planning outcomes

b Outcome of planning matters already considered

No further information.

5. Highways

Chairman has written to Gary Warren again regarding road safety.

Police have agreed to do extra patrols in Beech Lane and Devenish Lane.

Clerk to contact Traffic Management to request that Stoke Trister becomes a 20mph area.

b. SID

Further discussion regarding the SID it was agreed that the Clerk would send the websites of the companies recommended by Traffic Management.

6 Footpaths

Cllr Garrett sent her report to all Councillors and is now filed with the minutes.

7 Financial Matters

a Statement of Account and Bank Reconciliation

b Bank Balances to 28 February 2021

A resolution is sought to accept the financial statement as at 28 February 2021.

Proposed: Cllr Garrett                        Seconded: Cllr Grant

Stoke Trister & Bayford PC Current A/C £22,128.47 Stoke Trister&Bayford PC Reserve A/C £9,136.91 Leigh Common Savings A/C £5,106.63

c A resolution is sought to agree the following payments.

BAC’sClerk Salary, expenses & council expenses.          621.81
BAC’sMrs Linsley (Flowers)          50.00
BAC’sMrs Linsley (Door Alarm)          119.99
BAC’sGlasdon (Bin)        240.33

Proposed: Cllr Linsley                       Seconded: Cllr Grant

8 Riding Gate & East View

Still awaiting an update from Heather Nesbitt


No further information

10.Risk Assessment

No further information

11. Street Party for 2022

Chairman would like to change the name to Jubilee Celebrations.

Parish has acquired a grant for £2,500 for the Jubilee Celebrations.

Proposed: Cllr Rose-Walker                   Seconded: Cllr Grant

12. Parish Plan

Cllr Garrett mentioned the changes she has made to the Parish Plan, all Councillors were very happy with the work she had done with the plan. Cllr Rose-Walker suggested putting in a question regarding wildlife on the plan.

13. May Elections

Chairman stated that she was happy to take the election papers to SSDC by hand.

14. Tender

The tender for this year was extensively discussed and decided.

15. Risk Assessment/Standing Orders/Financial Regulations/Freedom of Information/Code of Conduct

It was unanimously agreed to re-adopt all.

Proposed: Cllr R-Walker                             Seconded Cllr Grant

16. Date of next meeting will be on Thursday 12 May 2022

Meeting closed at 9.14pm

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Chairman                                                                       Date