Minutes of the meeting of the Parish Council held on
Thursday 13 January 2022 at 7.30pm in Bayford Hall
Public Forum
No members of the public attended.
Cllrs: N Linsley (Chairman) (M Grant (Vice Chairman), R Webb-Bowen, J Garrett, and L Rose-Walker. D/Councillor R Bastable
1.Apologies – C/Councillor A Groskop
2. Declarations of Interest – None
3.Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 11 November 2021.
It was resolved to approve and sign the minutes as a true record
Proposed Cllr Rose-Walker Seconded Cllr Grant
4.Planning Matters
a New Planning Matters
There were no new planning matters.
b Outcome of plannig matters already considered
There were no further outcomes.
5. Highways
Cllr Grant had contacted Gary Warren regarding the purchase of a SID. Gary Warren suggested it may be possible to share the cost and use of the SID with Charlton Musgrove. Although the Clerk had asked Charlton Musgrove previously to share and they refused. Cllr Bastable said he would speak about it at the next Charlton Musgrove meeting. Training will be given on how to use the SID and how to obtain the data from it.
On the dangers of driving out of Love Lane Gary Warren suggested painting the road by the lane to help with the visual exiting.
Clerk to contact Fly Tipping to report the rubbish along Beech Lane.
6 Footpaths
Cllr Garrett sent her report to all Councillors and is now filed with the minutes.
7 Financial Matters
a Statement of Account and Bank Reconciliation
b Bank Balances to 31 December 2021
A resolution is sought to accept the financial statement as at 31 December 2021. Stoke Trister & Bayford PC Current A/C £23,160.86 Stoke Trister&Bayford PC Reserve A/C £9136.75 Leigh Common Savings A/C £5106.55
c A resolution is sought to agree the following payments.
BAC’s | Clerk Salary, expenses & council expenses. | 592.07 |
BAC’s | SALC | 25.00 |
Cheque 000501 | British Legion Wreath | 21.00 |
BAC’s | Mrs Garrett Xmas lights and batteries. | 75.47 |
BAC’s | Superplants Xmas tree | 162.00 |
BAC’s | Mrs Linsley refreshments for Carol Singing. | 91.55 |
BAC’s | ICO | 35.00 |
Proposed: Cllr Garrett Seconded: Cllr Grant
The Chairman discussed a training session she had attended. The internal audit now has extra legislations needed. Chairman suggested having a letter to the Parish Council as a totality of the internal audit. Chairman to contact Brian Williams who has done the internal audit for many years to ask just what needed to be done.
Chairman to contact Mr Light to repair the Notice Board at the triangle in Stoke Trister village.
8.Riding Gate, East View & Sunnyhill Farm
Heather Nesbitt is dealing with all the above cases.
No further information
10.Risk Assessment
Cllr Webb-Bowen asked the Clerk to send his draft copy of the Risk Assessment to all Councillors so they could send comments and views on Management.
11. Street Party for 2022
Chairman had spoken with various parishioners to see how interested villagers would be to a Street Party. Cllr Rose-Walker will continue to organise the party.
12. Flowers
Chairman discussed with the Councillors about sending some flowers to Eldryd Parsons widow Maureen. It was unanimously agreed to go ahead with this.
13. Rubbish Bin
It has been requested by a parishioner that we have another rubbish bin at the bottom of Devenish Lane. Clerk to check on sizes and prices then send to all Councillors for a decision.
14. Opening up Safely
It was discussed about the 3rd tranche available for opening up safely. It was unanimously agreed to apply for it.
15. Precept
The Precept was signed and will be sent to SSDC.
16. Date of next meeting will be on Thursday 10 March 2022
Meeting closed at 9.07pm
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Chairman Date