An Agenda for each meeting will be posted on the Parish notice boards at Bayford Village Hall, Bayford; by School House, Stoke Trister; by the triangle. Agendas will be posted at least three clear working days prior to the meeting. From time to time extraordinary meetings may be called that do not appear on the dates list below.
Past and current Minutes can also be found on the Parish Council website:
Any issues to be raised at the next meeting should be addressed to the Clerk ten days prior to the meeting by emailing the clerk at or by post to: 25 Helena Road, Yeovil, Somerset BA20 2HQ. Separate meetings are sometimes held on site to consider planning applications and agendas are posted on the notice boards three clear working days before a meeting is held.
Meeting dates 2023
Thursday 12th January
Thursday 9th March
Thursday 11th May – Annual Parish Meeting followed by the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council
Thursday 13th July
Thursday 14th September
Thursday 9th November – Budget and Precept setting
All meetings are held in the Bayford Village Hall commencing at 7.00pm and beginning with an open public session. Members of the Press and Public are welcome.
Kate Fullerton
Clerk to the Parish Council