Minutes of the meeting of the Parish Council held on
Thursday 14 January 2021 at 7.30pm via Zoom
Public Forum
No members of the public joined the meeting.
Cllrs: N Linsley (Chairman) M Grant (Vice Chairman), R Webb-Bowen, J Garrett, A Perry and L Rose-Walker. C/Councillor A Groskop, D/Councillor R Bastable.
1.Apologies – None
2.Declarations of Interest – Cllr Garrett on Planning Application.
3.Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 12 November 2020
It was resolved to approve and sign the minutes as a true record:
Proposed Cllr Webb-Bowen Seconded Cllr Grant
4.Planning Matters
a.New Planning Matters
Planning Application No: 20/03009/COU
Location: Granny Annexe, Unicorn Inn, Bayford, Wincanton.
Proposal: Change of existing self-contained annexe to separate dwelling.
Stoke Trister with Bayford Parish Council states: We fear it may not be quite as straightforward as Mr Jenner suggests. A useful reference in Plainview Planning dated 1 September 2020 which states: ‘The sub-division of the public house can be justified on the grounds that the funds generated actually allow the public house/community facility to remain open’. The example quoted is that of sale a part of a pub car park but the principle is the same: the funds should go to keeping the public house/community facility open, not merely to enrich the owners to allow them to pursue other projects or simply to meet living expenses. Mr Jenner states that the owners wish to sell the annex ‘so that they can diversify’. I see no indication that they intend to use the proceeds of the sale of the Annexe to re-open the Inn.
We also have concerns over parking and access for the Annexe. It is very easy to state that ‘The development will use the existing access to the highway’ and that it will ‘use existing parking space and access’. This will presumably mean that it will require to share a legal right of access and parking with the Inn – there is only one way in and one way out.
The ‘separate application’ for the remainder of the Unicorn Inn is clearly fundamental to this application. Until we know what the term ‘diversify’ means – does it just mean the pub will re-open bigger and better than before, or does the owner have an entirely different use in mind? At the same time, retention of the Annexe may render the whole Unicorn Inn property more attractive to a potential purchaser who intends to re-open it as a licensed premises. This remains the last surviving pub in the Bayford/Stoke Trister/Cucklington settlement and we should not give it up without the community’s approval. It is their facility, after all, even if the Unicorn’s current licensee/owner has seemingly yet to re-open after either lockdown.
The applicant has made no attempt to re-open since the 2nd lockdown ended, not even to supply a take-away service as many other pubs in the area have done. Did he not apply for the Government grants to help and if so, why?
The previous application referred to did include the annex to be developed as a separate entity with separate access. The so called ‘pointless’ discussions were essential due to very strong opposition from the community.
The annex has been let out for many years without planning permission to do so despite every attempt made by the Parish Council to ask the Planning department to address. Planning department failed to do so. So, the letting is potentially illegal.
The Planning department categorically rejected the original application to convert to houses as the Unicorn Inn is a registered Asset of Community Value.
This all being the case Stoke Trister with Bayford Parish Council strongly oppose this application.
Chairman mentioned the error of a submission regarding the Unicorn Inn application. It was corrected by the Planning Department and the correct submission entered.
b.Outcome of planning matters already considered
Planning Application No: 20/00638/FUL
Applicants: Mr & Mrs Garrett
Location: Highcroft, Stoke Trister, Wincanton.
Proposal: Erection of a dwelling (resubmission) – Awaiting decision.
Chairman asked Cllr Bastable about Mr & Mrs Garrett’s longstanding application. Cllr Bastable said he would speak with David Kenyon regarding an update.
Cambria Villas was also mentioned, the fact that since the planned building has stopped the property has been put up for sale.
Chairman has spoken with Gary Warren of Highways regarding re-installing the wrongly positioned gateway. Chairman has marked the new position of where the gateway should be for when the crew come to re-position it. Chairman to contact Gary Warren again to see how this is progressing.
Cllr Webb-Bowen stated that the leaves on the underpass had been cleared of leaves. Cllr Webb-Bowen said he would do a further update on footpaths directly. Cllr Linsley to ask Highways about the lighting in the underpass. The gate on Devenish Lane had been removed under the enforcement order from Highways. It was reported that it is now just as bad as it was before the gate was put up with unsavoury rubbish left and cars going up and down frequently. Clerk to contact Highways to see what they intend to do about it.
a.Statement of account and Bank Reconciliation
b.Bank balances to 31 December 2020.
A resolution is sought to accept the financial statement as at 31 December 2020. Stoke Trister & Bayford PC Current A/C £8376.01, Stoke Trister&Bayford PC Reserve A/C £8715.85, Leigh Common Savings A/C £5106.06
Proposed: Cllr Grant Seconded: Cllr Webb-Bowen
c.A resolution is sought to agree the following payments
BAC’s | SALC Training | 60.00 |
BAC’s | SALC Training | 25.00 |
BAC’s | SALC Training | 25.00 |
BAC’s | Ben Giles Website Domain | 143.54 |
BAC’s | Clerks salary, expenses & Council expenses. | 556.88 |
BAC’s | WebCreation Ltd | 297.00 |
BAC’s | SALC Training | 25.00 |
BAC’s | Superplants | 119.40 |
BAC’s | WebCreation Ltd | 240.00 |
BAC’s | Mrs Garrett-data cable | 53.05 |
BAC’s | Aero Healthcare Pad Pak | 130.68 |
D/Debit | ICO | 35.00 |
BAC’s | Mrs Garrett-mileage | 8.39 |
BAC’s | Mrs Garrett-defib cleaner | 7.00 |
Proposed: Cllr Grant Seconded: Cllr Webb-Bowen
8.Riding Gate & East View
Cllr Bastable is getting an update for both of these items. Enforcement are looking through all the paperwork, some of which is rather sketchy. Chairman asked Cllr Bastable about the working of Area East Committee to which Cllr Bastable explained. Chairman asked Councillor Bastable why Mr & Mrs Garrett’s application has not been resolved. It appears to be dragging on despite every effort by the applicants to conform to Planning Department requests.
Cllr Garrett reported that the defibrillator had been used and not returned so it had to be collected. The pads have been replaced. Cllr Garrett had to fill in a questionnaire regarding the use of the defibrillator so replaced a copy questionnaire in the folder for when it needs to be used again. Cllr Garrett explained that we are still waiting for training but in these uncertain times of Covid this was not possible at the moment. Cllr Rose-Walker said she would put herself forward to be a first responder which was greatly appreciated by al
Chairman stated that the website is coming together gradually and once the front page is done she will send it to all Councillors.
Chairman had finished doing the Financial Regulations and had sent them to all Councillors on at that time. Cllr Webb-Bowen had still to finish The Risk Assessment and will send to all when done. Clerk to send Code of Conduct and Standing Orders to new Councillors to review before the March meeting.
The Precept is signed and sent to South Somerset District Council.
Emergency Plan
Chairman requested Cllr Webb-Bowen to take over as Commander on the Emergency Plan as he had a lot of experience from the Army. Cllr Webb-Bowen said he would be happy to take it on but beforehand it would need a lot of updating. Chairman asked him if he would like to update it as he knows the legislation that is needed. Cllr Webb-Bowen said he would be happy to do this.
14.Date of next meeting will be on Thursday 11 March 2021
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Chairman Date