Minutes of the meeting of the Parish Council Thursday 14 July 2022

Minutes of the meeting of the Parish Council held on

Thursday 14 July 2022 at 7.30pm in Bayford Hall

Public Forum

There was no Public Forum


Cllrs: N Linsley (Chairman), M Grant (Vice Chairman), J Garrett, and L Rose-Walker. C/Councillor L Trimnell

1.Apologies – Councillors: R Webb-Bowen, T Power and R Bastable

2. Declarations of Interest – None-

3. Minutes of the Annual Parish Council Meeting held on 12 May 2022.

Proposed: Cllr Garrett                                           Seconded: Cllr Rose-Walker

4.Planning Matters

a New Planning Matters

There were no new planning matters.

b Outcome of planning matters already considered

No further information.

5. Highways

Highways decision to improve Love Lane exit would be to extend the H bar on the roadway. Chairman to speak with the residents to gain their views as they will be losing some of the parking spaces to do this.

Chairman also mentioned the ongoing problems with parking on the brow of the hill in Bayford/Wincanton. SCC Cllr Trimnell suggested speaking with Wincanton Town Council about this.

b. SID

Elan City was the company of the final decision for purchasing the SID’s

6 Footpaths

Cllr Garrett sent her report to all Councillors and is now filed with the minutes.

7 Financial Matters

a Statement of Account and Bank Reconciliation

b Bank Balances to 30 June 2022

A resolution is sought to accept the financial statement as at 30 June 2022. Stoke Trister & Bayford PC Current A/C £32,579.49 Stoke Trister&Bayford PC Reserve A/C £9,347.21 Leigh Common Savings A/C £5,106.80

c A resolution is sought to agree the following payments.

BAC’sClerk Salary, expenses & council expenses. May685.58        
BAC’sVale Signs & Print86.00
BAC’sPortal Planning149.20
BAC’sHelen Smith164.90
BAC’sTim Downes612.00
BAC’sBrue Computing81.00
BAC’sHelen Smith106.15
BAC’sHelen Smith415.45
BAC’sMrs Garrett336.91
BAC’sBayford Mission Hall30.00
BAC’sPinnacle Accountancy132.00
BAC’sPCC Stoke Trister540.00
BAC’sDorset & Somerset Air Ambulance500.00
BAC’sCitizens Advice Bureau25.00
BAC’sBayford Mission Hall15.00
BAC’sArthur Gallagher349.36
BAC’sHelen Smith238.76
BAC’sHelen Smith107.70
BAC’sHelen Smith126.33
BAC’sShiny Stoves Oven60.00
BAC’sP Williams750.66
BAC’sM Giles240.00
BAC’sFWE Training168.00
BAC’sClerks Salary, expenses and Council expenses. July600.57

8 Riding Gate & East View

Clerk read out update from Heather Nesbitt regarding the above. Clerk to keep requesting further updates.


Cllr Garrett mentioned the previous training for the defibrillator and a possible follow up with further first aid learning on a basic level.

10.Risk Assessment

Cllr Webb-Bowen was unable to be present at the meeting but sent the Clerk an email thanking all colleagues who had arranged the insurance for the Jubilee Celebrations

11. Monthly Market

Cllr Rose-Walker mentioned having a monthly market in the hall selling home made produce and items etc., Chairman said to try one and see how it went then if successful make it a monthly event.

12. Parish Plan

Cllr Garrett will now move forward with the answers she has via the questionnaire. She will also speak with Tim Cook regarding the Neighbourhood Plan. Cllr Garrett will break down the different sections for different people to work with and to summarise by the September meeting. The winner of the draw was Brecon on Bayford Hill.

13. Jubilee Party

Chairman stated that the Queens Jubilee Party was a very successful day and the conclusion to this will be a Plaque on the hall wall commemorating this in the near future.

14. Opening up Safely

Chairman mentioned the builder’s quotes. The planning had to be applied for and the trustees are sorting out the answers to the planning officer’s questions. Chairman has asked SALC to extend the time of the Grant to which they have agreed.

15. Monthly Meetings

Cllr Grant suggested having a special meeting if needed for ongoing projects but to keep to a 2 monthly meeting at present.

16. Correspondence

Clerk showed all the letter from the Dorset and Somerset Air Ambulance thanking us all for our donation.

17. Website

Chairman asked Cllr Rose-Walker to speak with her husband regarding running the website for the Parish Council.

18. Date of next meeting will be on Thursday 8 September 2022

Meeting closed at 9.15pm

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Chairman                                                                       Date