Minutes of the meeting of the Parish Council held on
Thursday 16 September 2021 at 7.30pm in Bayford Hall
Public Forum
A member of the public complained about the grass etc., covering the Bayford gateway sign, he felt it made the village look uncared for. Chairman explained that it is left for a certain period of time to allow the insects etc., to breed. Clerk to contact John Nicholson to get the verges cut around all gateway signs in Bayford and Riding Gate. Cllr Rose-Walker mentioned doing a small paragraph in the Newsletter saying what the Parish Council was doing.
Cllrs: N Linsley (Chairman) M Grant (Vice Chairman), J Garrett, A Perry and L Rose-Walker. C/Councillor A Groskop. D/Councillor R Bastable
1.Apologies – Cllr Webb-Bowen
2. Declarations of Interest – Cllr Garrett planning application.
3.Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 8 July and Planning applications: 21/01125/FUL Devenish Lane, 21/01039/COU Riding Gate House.
It was resolved to approve and sign the minutes as a true record
Proposed Cllr Grant Seconded Cllr Garrett
4.Planning Matters
a.New Planning Matters
b Outcome of planning matters already considered
Planning Application No: 20/00638/FUL
Applicants: Mr & Mrs Garrett
Location: Highcroft, Stoke Trister, Wincanton.
Proposal: Erection of a dwelling (resubmission) – Awaiting decision.
Application No: 20/02935/FUL
Location: Highbrook Devenish Lane Bayford
Proposal: Demolition of existing bungalow and erection of a replacement dwelling and detached garage. – Conflict in decision from Parish Council. Awaiting decision.
Application No: 21/01039/COU
Location: Riding Gate House, Riding Gate.
Proposal: Change of use of land and siting of 1 No. camping pod to provide holiday accommodation. – Based on one individual building and with that in mind STWBPC have no objections to the application. – Awaiting decision.
Application No: 21/01330/FUL
Location: Church Farm Bayford Lane
Proposal: Redevelopment of Church Farm agricultural buildings and erection of 2 dwellings (as approved under 19/00258/OUT) together with construction of new vehicular access therto and to serve existing bungalow- STWBPC have no objection to the two dwellings applied for. However, we do notice that the two houses to be erected are 5 bedroom houses when the original approved outline application was for two 4 bedroom houses. Awaiting approval.
Chairman spoke of the Devenish Lane application (21/01125/FUL) that has been approved. All the questions that were asked by Stoke Trister Parish Council were never answered before approval was given.
Cllr Garret spoke of her application (20/00638/FUL) for which she is still awaiting a decision. Cllr Bastable stated that David Kenyon said it would be decided by the end of August 2021, unfortunately this did not happen.
Cllr Diggle Perry stated that the Riding Gate signage that was wrongly erected still had not been moved. Gary Warren promised to have the signage moved a few weeks ago but nothing as yet has been done. Chairman will write to John Nicholson with a copy to Gary Warren about this. Cllr Diggle Perry mentioned that there were still cars going up and down Devenish Lane late at night. Cllr Diggle Perry also spoke about the VA signs that were working out at approximately £3,000 plus for each sign. It was decided to get further quotes to be able to go forward with this project.
Cllr Garrett had sent her report to all Councillors prior to the meeting. Report filed with minutes. Cllr Garrett also mentioned the signage and stiles for some of the footpaths was very poor and would contact SCC to see what could be done. Cllr Garrett also said about having metal gates rather than wood as they were more sustainable and will follow this up. Chairman mentioned Japanese Knotweed that was still growing and had not appeared to have been cut down. Cllr Bastable said it was a Highways matter and to contact them again. It was decided to split the footpaths between Bayford and Stoke Trister. Cllr Garrett will keep the Stoke Trister area and Cllr Rose-Walker will cover the Bayford area.
a Statement of Account and Bank Reconciliation
b Bank Balances to 31 August 2021
c A resolution is sought to agree the following payments.
BAC’s | Ben Giles | 220.00 |
BAC’s | SALC subs | 95.41 |
BAC’s | Clerk Salary, expenses & council expenses. | 649.80 |
BAC’s | Web Creation | 148.50 |
BAC’s | SALC | 55.00 |
Proposed: Cllr Garrett Seconded: Cllr Rose-Walker
8.Riding Gate, East View & Sunnyhill Farm
Heather Nesbitt is investigating all the above and sends regular updates.
No further information.
10.Future of Parish Elections
Chairman had written to Justin Robinson regarding this and asked the Councillors to do the same.
11.Risk Assessment
Cllr Webb-Bowen was unable to attend the meeting but would send a report through to the Clerk.
12. Afghan Refugees
Cllr Rose-Walker mentioned the re-settling of the Afghan refugees. It was suggested putting an article in the Newsletter to see if any residents wished to help in any way. Chairman stated that it is Somerset County Council that is dealing with the main part of resettling the refugees in the area and it would be a good idea to contact them if anyone wanted to offer any help.
13. Street Party for 2022
Chairman suggested having a street party for the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee in 2022. She will speak with John Nicholson regarding closing the roads on that date. Cllr Rose-Walker will speak with the residents and get their comments, she will also put an article in the Newsletter.
14.Date of next meetings will be on Thursday 11 November 2021
Meeting finished 8.58pm
Chairman Date