Minutes of the Annual Meeting of the Parish
Council held on 12 May 2022 in
Bayford Village Hall at 7.30pm
Public Forum:
Mrs Linsley mentioned the Police report for April/May which was zero.
Present: N Linsley, J Grant, R Webb-Bowen, J Garrett, and L Rose-Walker.
D/Coucnillor Robin Bastable
There was 1 member of the public in attendance.
Clerk in attendance: Mrs P Gillman
1. Apologies – None
2. Declarations of Interest – None
3. Election of Officers
Chairman N Linsley
Vice Chairman M Grant
Highways N Linsley
Footpaths J Garrett
Tree Officer L Rose-Walker
Website Officer L Rose-Walker
Defibrillator J Garrett
Residential Co-Ordinator L Rose-Walker
Civil Contingencies/Risk Management Officer R Webb-Bowen
Unanimous by all.
4. Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting 10 March 2022 and Planning Meeting of 11 March 2022
It was resolved to approve and sign the minutes as a true record
Proposed: Cllr Rose-Walker Seconded: Cllr Web-Bowen
5. Financial Matters
a. Statement of Account and bank reconciliation
b. Bank Balances 31 March 2022.
A resolution is sought to accept the financial statement as of 31 March 2022. Stoke Trister & Bayford PC Current A/c £23,569.28; Stoke Trister & Bayford PC Reserve A/c £9,136.98; Leigh Common Savings A/c £5,106.67.
c. A resolution is sought to accept the following payments.
BAC’s | Clerks’ salary, expenses, and council expenses | 685.58 |
BAC’s | D & M Miland | 42.59 |
BAC’s | Mrs Linsley (Steamer) | 148.00 |
BAC’s | Mrs Linsley (Microwave) | 145.98 |
BAC’s | Peter Fryer (Gardener) | 50.00 |
BAC’s | Mrs Gillman (Flag/Pole/Brackets | 50.81 |
Proposed: Cllr Webb-Bowen Seconded: Cllr Grant
6. Planning Matters
a. New Planning Matters
There were no new planning matters.
b.Outcome of planning matters already considered
Planning Application No: 22/00347/HOU
Applicant: Mr & Mrs Rushe
Proposal: Removal of existing conservatory. Addition of kitchen extension
Location: Manor House Manor Farm Lane Stoke Trister Wincanton Somerset BA9 9PH – Approved.
Planning Application No: 22/00348/LBC
Applicant: Mr & Mrs Rushe
Proposal: Removal of existing conservatory. Addition of kitchen extension
Location: Manor House Manor Farm Lane Stoke Trister Wincanton Somerset BA9 9PH –Approved
c. Any other planning matters received since the agenda was prepared.
There were no other matters.
7. Highways
Chairman to write to John Nicholson regarding the previous discussion she had with Gary Warren about the dangers of parked cars on Bayford Hill and the exiting of Love Lane.
b. SID
After a long discussion it was agreed to ask three companies to either give a demonstration or let the Clerk know where their nearest device is to be able to go and see it.
8. Footpaths
Cllr Garrett discussed footpaths as per her report. Report filed within minutes.
9. Riding Gate and East View
Clerk asked D/Councillor Bastable how to contact Heather Nesbitt as she had written to her several times with no response. Cllr Bastable suggested copying in the CEO and Council Leader to her future emails to Heather Nesbitt.
10. Defibrillator
No further information.
11. Audit
The audit was signed.
12. Donations
The payments of the yearly donations were unanimously agreed by all.
13. Notice Boards
It was unanimously agreed to allow Mr Perry to purchase and erect the two new notice boards in Stoke Trister.
Proposed Cllr Rose-Walker Seconded: Cllr Webb-Bowen
14. LGA Model Code of Conduct
It was unanimously agreed to adopt.
15. Date of Next Meeting
Thursday 14 July 2022
Meeting closed at 8.45pm
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Chairman Date