Stoke Trister with Bayford Parish Council
Minutes of the Meeting of the Parish Council held on 4 January 2018 in Bayford Village Hall at 7.30pm
Public Forum: Parishioners voiced concerns over the people who have parked several vehicles and aggregate in the fields at Riding Gate. It appears that there is a business being run from there and also people living on this agricultural site. The Chairman explained to the public the course the Council are taking to resolve this issue. One parishioner asked if there was an update on Sunny Hill Farm. Cllr Smith stated that the extra people there should have left by the end of February.
Present: Cllrs: E Parsons (Chairman) T MacCaw (Vice Chairman) N Linsley, I Andrews, J Macfarlane, A Smith and M Grant. SCC Anna Groskop
Public: Jane Hollihead, Mary Summerfield, Sue Timms, Veronica Bygrave and Bert Luff.
72. Apologies – There were no apologies
73. Declarations of Interest – None
74. Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 21 September and 7 December 2017. Minutes of meeting of 9 November 2017 to be signed at next meeting. Planning Meetings of 3 November, 1st and 15th December2017
Proposed: Cllr MacCaw Seconded: Cllr Smith
75. Matters for report for meetings held on 9 November 2017
a. There were no matters to report
76. Planning Matters
a. New Planning Matters
b. Outcome of planning matters already considered
Planning Application No: 17/03859/LBC
Applicant: Mr & Mrs B Giles
Location: Hope Cottage, Bayford Hill Stoke Trister. BA9 9NJ
Proposal: Demolish existing single storey rear extension and the erection of two storey rear extension. Redesigning of rear extension, amended plans – No Objections. – Application permitted with conditions.
Planning Application No: 17/04218/FUL
Applicant: Mr & Mrs Perrott
Location: School House Farm, Bayford Lane, Stoke Trister, Wincanton. BA9 9PE
Proposal: Demolition of outbuilding and erection of replacement building to be used as annexe to School House Farm. – No objections. – Application permitted with conditions.
Wayside Thatch
The Clerk was requested to contact the Conservation Officer to see if the Council was satisfied with the finished product.
c. Housing Needs Survey
After a long discussion the previous Housing Survey vote was rescinded. The new vote was 5 to 2 against having the survey done at this present time.
77. Highways
a. Cllr Andrews requested a sign either side of the sharp bend near Little Bridges Cottages on the Cucklington road. Clerk to write to Gary Warren to request signs. It was agreed to make a donation of £100.00 towards the signs. Clerk to also speak with Gary Warren about the overgrown Laurel bush in Love Lane.
b. Beech Lane
Cllr Smith is still waiting to meet the new Highways Officer to resolve the issues of the potholes in Beech Lane.
c. SID
To be discussed at the March meeting
78. Footpaths
No further information.
79. Financial Matters
a. Statement of Account and bank reconciliation
b. Bank Balances to 31 December 2017. A resolution is sought to accept the financial statement as at 31 December 2017. Stoke Trister & Bayford Current A/C No: 0956598: 4192.15; Stoke Trister & Bayford
Current No2 A/C No: 2181062 – Reserve Account 7584.53; Stoke Trister Business Account No: 7416556 5098.68
Proposed: Cllr Andrews Seconded: Cllr MacCaw
c. A resolution is sought to sign the following cheque
Cheque No: 000441 Clerks salary & expenses, council expenses 545.91
Proposed: Cllr Parsons Seconded: Cllr Macfarlane
80. Website
No further information
81. Defibrillator
Cllr Smith contacted the Community Heartbeat Trust but due to pressure of work they did not have a representative to come and speak with the Council. It was unanimously agreed to go with the Community Heartbeat Trust to purchase the Defibrillator.
Proposed: Cllr Smith Seconded: Cllr Grant
82. Leigh Common
Cllr Smith to email the Clerk with a simplified agreement.
83. Clerk’s Hours
Cllr Linsley to speak with Justin Robinson of SALC to ascertain the Clerk’s hours.
84. Date of the next meeting 8 March 2018
Meeting closed at 9.24pm
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Chairman Date