Annual Meeting of the Parish Council 9 May 2019

Stoke Trister with Bayford Parish Council___________________

Notice of Meeting



Thursday 9 May 2019 at 7.45pm

Bayford Mission Hall


Public Forum

Prior to the start of the meeting the Chairman gives leave to members of the public to speak. 

1. Apologies for absence

2. Confirmation of quorum.

3. Election of Officers

a. Election of Chairman

b. Election of Vice Chairman

c. Election of Highways Officer

d. Election of Footpaths Officer

e. Election of Tree Officer

f. Election of Website Officer

4. Declaration of Interest

5. Minutes of the Parish Council Meetings held on 10 December 2018, 10 January and 21 March 2019 and Planning Meetings of 29 March 12 and 26 April 2019.

A resolution is sought to approve and sign the minutes as a true record

6. Planning Matters 

a. New Planning Matters

Application No: 19/00448/HOU

Applicant: Mr Simon Minney

Location: Riding Gate House, Riding Gate, Bayford, Wincanton. BA9 8NQ

Proposal: Erection of two storey side extension, re-building of front porch and erection of oak framed lean-to – There were no objections to this application providing that there was: 

1. Adequate space to turn cars so that they did not have to reverse onto the highway.

2. The old caravan was to be removed.

3. The new building to be sympathetically built and in keeping with the existing building.

Planning Application No:  19/00794/FUL

Applicant: Mr & Mrs Roger Perry

Location:  The Old School House, Stoke Trister Wincanton. BA9 9PF

Proposal:  Change of use of paddock along with the construction of an all weather arena for winter turnout and schooling of horses on an area of land that is currently used for the horses – Unanimously no objections to this application.

Planning Application No:  19/00258/OUT

Applicant: Mr M and Miss F Haskett and Thornton

Location:  Land at Church Farm, Stoke Trister, Wincanton. BA9 9PG

Proposal:  Outline application (including access) with all other matters reserved for the redevelopment of Church Farm buildings and bungalow and erection of 2 dwellings.

Amended application – There were mixed feelings for this application with a vote of 3 in favour and 2 against.

Planning Application No: 18/1991/FUL 

Proposal: The conversion of existing domestic storage building into single dwelling and provision of associated parking and turning area.

Location: Land at Sycamore Barn, Stoke Trister, Wincanton. BA9 9PE – The Chairman having consulted his Councillors makes the following observations. We have no objection to the smaller building being ancillary to the main house. We do object to the conversion of the larger building into a house separate to the main house.   

 This application does not appear to conform to the requirements of the NPPF which discourages new dwellings in a rural settlement and is contrary to the Stoke Trister with Bayford local plan.  This building does not have any architectural merit and it is doubtful whether it would enhance its surroundings as a number of houses would be cramped together in a small area giving the impression that this could be the start of a larger housing development?  

Our views as a Parish Council have not changed from the last application and therefore recommend refusal of this application.

There were no new Planning Matters

b. Outcome of planning matters already considered:

Planning Application No: 18/03938/FUL

Applicant: Mrs J Calderwood

Location:  Land rear of 2 Cambria Villas Devenish Lane Bayford Wincanton. BA9 9NG

Proposal:  The erection of a new single storey dwelling and the formation of a new vehicular access off Bayford Hill. – No further information.

Planning Application No: 19/00373/FUL

Applicant: Mr & Mrs Garrett

Location:  Highcroft, Bayford Lane, Stoke Trister, Wincanton. BA9 9PG

Proposal:  Erection of a new dwelling. – No further information.

Planning Application No: 19/00258/OUT

Applicant: Mr M and Miss F Haskett and Thornton

Location:  Land at Church Farm, Stoke Trister, Wincanton BA9 9PG

Proposal:  Outline application with all matters reserved for the redevelopment of Church Farm buildings and bungalow and erection of 2 dwellings. – No further information. Amended plan.

Applicant: Mr Chris Bellars

Location: Land at Sycamore Farm, Stoke Trister, Wincanton.

Proposal: The conversion of existing domestic storage building into a single dwelling and the erection of a car port. – We recommend refusal of this application since the applicant has not demonstrated that the proposal would meet the requirement of SS2 in the local plan. However, we understand that the barn conversion proposed would be for family use only and we would be sympathetic to this if a new application was made for conversion ancillary to the existing dwelling on the property. – No further information. Amended plan.

7. Correspondence Received

a. Hags

b. Seafarers UK

8. Highways 

a. Report from Councillor Summerfield. 

c. SID

No further information.

9. Footpaths

a. Report from Councillor Grant

10. Financial Matters

a. Statement of Account and bank reconciliation

b. Bank Balances 31 March 2019. 

A resolution is sought to accept the financial statement as at 31 March 2019. Stoke Trister & Bayford PC Current A/c £5229.68; Stoke Trister & Bayford PC Reserve A/c £7989.07; Leigh Common Savings A/c £5101.89.

c. A resolution is sought to sign the following cheques

Cheque No: 000465 Payman 72.00 ®

Cheque No: 000466 Pinnacle Accountancy 108.00®

Cheque No: 000467 Came & Company 294.17

Cheque No: 000468 Clerks salary & expenses

and council expenses 580.72

Cheque No: 000469 SALC   20.00

Cheque No: 000470 Dorset & Somerset Air

Ambulance Donation. 175.00

Cheque No: 000471 C.A.B.   25.00

Cheque No: 000472 PCC Churchyard Donation 500.00

Cheque No: 000473 PCC Newsletter Donation   50.00

Cheque No: 000474 SALC   90.90

11. Riding Gate

Area East are now involved in the enforcement at Riding Gate. Sam Fox reported that the motor home has now been removed and several of the vehicles have been and are being removed.

12 Precept

The Precept has been paid.

13. Audit

The internal audit has been completed. Now to be signed and sent to auditors.

14. Donations

To be agreed and paid.

15. East View

Sam Fox and the planners are on this case.

16. Defibrillator

Decision to be adjourned until the July meeting.

17. Unicorn Inn

No further information.

18. A Guide to the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) for Parish and Town Councils

To be discussed

19. Vacant positions on Parish Council

To discuss the way forward.

20. Date of the next meeting. 

Thursday 11 July 2019 

Mrs P Gillman

Clerk to the Parish Council                                                Date 1 May 2019