Agenda 13 September 2018

Stoke Trister with Bayford Parish Council___________________

Notice of Meeting



Thursday 13 September 2018 at 7.30pm

Bayford Mission Hall


Public Forum: Prior to the start of the meeting the Chairman gives leave to members of the public to speak. 

1. Apologies for absence

2. Declaration of Interest

3. Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 12 July 2018 and Planning Meetings of 29 June 2018 (missed at July meeting) and 31 August 2018.         

A resolution is sought to approve and sign the minutes as a true record

4. Planning Matters 

New planning matters.

Planning Application No:  18/01916/FUL

Applicant: Hopkins Developments Ltd

Location: Land adjoining Corner Farm, Devenish Lane, Bayford, Wincanton.

Proposal: The erection of timber gates (retrospective)


After lengthy discussions between Councillors and parishioners strongly objecting to the developer Applicant’s erection of inappropriate “urban” type and height of fencing of the public footpath, and more recently timber gates across the line of the public footpath, coupled with the current lack of adequate footpath signage to encourage its use, it was decided that the Parish Council should register its agreement with those objections as follows:

1) The Parish Council notes that the Decision Notice dated 25 August 2017 pertaining to Application ref:- 17/02351/S73A is conditioned as follows

 â€œNo building, structure or boundary enclosure shall be erected or the location otherwise obstructed within the annotated hatched area (see the website) applied to approved drawing 

13091/002 received 4 August 2017.

Reason:-  in the interests of visual appearance and to maintain the character of the former cart track further to policy EQ2 of the South Somerset local plan 2002-2028”.

Both the high “urban” style close boarded fencing at the end of the Applicant’s property and the new gateway which have been erected by the Applicant across the line of the public footpath are in breach of that condition.

2) Additionally, the Parish Council will request Highways Group, SSDC, for the benefit of the public,

a) to erect a clear “Public Footpath” sign, not just the small yellow arrow nailed to the current gatepost.

b) to require the Applicant to delineate on the ground the extent (width) of the public footpath.

c) to require the Applicant to revert to a post and rails fence instead of close boarded fencing on the Bayford side of the public footpath, as discussed by the Parish Council last year with the then Case Officer handling the Application, Mr Lee Walton.

d) to confirm that the Applicant has applied (retrospectively) for consent to divert the public footpath to the line it now follows on the ground.

Planning Application No:  18/02228/FUL

Applicant: Mr Martin Mckenna

Location: The Well House, Bayford Wincanton.

Proposal: Alterations to change the pitch of the roof at the rear of the property and erection of a single storey side extension to create a sun/living room. -Stoke Trister with Bayford Parish  Council has no objections to this application as it will make a good improvement.

b. Outcome of planning matters already considered: 

Planning Application Nos: 18/00933/FUL and 18/00931/COL

Applicant:  18/00933/FUL

Location: Sunny Hill Park Campsite, Riding Gate, Wincanton. BA9 9NG

Proposal: Removal of caravans and the erection of 5 No chalets to be used for permanent residential occupation.


Application for a Lawful Development Certificate for the use of 3 No caravans as permanent residential occupation.

Both applications were refused.

d. Any other planning matters received since the agenda was prepared

5. Correspondence Received

a. Creative Play

6. Highways 

a. Report from Councillor Smith 

c. SID

No further information.

7. Footpaths

a. Report from Councillor Grant

Clerk wrote to Rob Coate in May and again in August re the footpath by the corner bungalow in Devenish Lane. The response to be read at the meeting.

8. Financial Matters

a. Statement of Account and bank reconciliation

b. Bank Balances 31 August 2018. A resolution is sought to accept the financial statement as at 31 August 2018. Stoke Trister & Bayford PC Current A/c £7652.75; Stoke Trister & Bayford PC Reserve A/c £7987.06; Leigh Common Savings A/c £5100.60.

c. A resolution is sought to sign the following cheques

Cheque No: 000456 Clerks’ salary & expenses & Council expenses      542.45

9. Riding Gate

Clerk has written to Neil Waddleton to get an up to date situation to the vehicles at Riding Gate.

10. Defibrillator 

Cllr Smith

11. Unicorn Inn

To be discussed

12. The Bayford Book

Payment towards book to be proposed.

13. Remembrance Sunday

To be discussed

A wreath will be ordered for Remembrance Day and will be laid at 11am on 11 November 2018 at St Andrews Church. Everyone Welcome.

14. GDPR

To be discussed

15. Date of the next meeting. 

Thursday 8 November 2018 

Mrs P Gillman

Clerk to the Parish Council                                            Date q4 September 2018