Stoke Trister with Bayford Parish Council
Minutes of a Planning Meeting of
Stoke Trister with Bayford Parish Council held 30 May and 14 June 2018.
Present: Cllrs: E Parsons, T. MacCaw, N Linsley and A Smith
1. Apologies – Cllrs: I Andrews, J Macfarlane and M Grant
2. Declarations of Interest – None
3. Planning
Planning Application Nos: 18/00933/FUL and 18/00931/COL
Applicant: 18/00933/FUL
Location: Sunny Hill Park Campsite, Riding Gate, Wincanton. BA9 9NG
Proposal: Removal of caravans and the erection of 5 No chalets to be used for permanent residential occupation.
Application for a Lawful Development Certificate for the use of 3 No caravans as permanent residential occupation.
On-site meeting held at Sunnyhill Farm (campsite), Riding Hill Gate, Wincanton BA9 8NG on 30th May 2018.
In attendance: the applicants and family, immediate neighbours and the current tenants of the applicants.
Councillors present: E. Parsons, T.MacCaw, N. Linsley, A.Smith, and P. Gillman, Clerk to the PC.
The Chairman clarified that, although the applicants’ campsite was situated just within the boundary of the neighbouring parish of Charlton Musgrove, notice of the Applications had been sent to Stoke Trister with Bayford PC by the planning authority, as was customary, so that the PC could express a view, if it wished, on its own behalf and on behalf of local residents.
The applicants and many of those present then expressed at considerable length their views for or against the two Applications.
After taking note of the representations made to them counsellors decided to postpone coming to a conclusion until they had had the opportunity to consider further the planning history leading to these Applications.
Meeting held on 14th June 2018 at Bayford Mission Hall.
Councillors present: E. Parsons, T.MacCaw, A.Smith, M.Grant, and P. Gillman, Clerk to the PC.
After lengthy discussion of the material submitted by applicants in support of the Applications, and other documents posted on the SSDC Planning Office website,
- That with regard to Planning Application 18/00931/COL in view of the lack of convincing evidence in support of the Application councillors recommend that a Lawful Development Certificate be refused.
- That with regard to Planning Application 18/00933/FULcouncillors support Charlton Musgrove Parish Council’s recommendations, set out in their Clerk’s email of 24th May 2108 to SSDC Case Officer, Lee Walton, that the Application be refused.
Please note: The Rights of Way Officer should be informed as ROW’s numbers WN28/6 and WN8/10 run through this property and one is supposedly blocked
…………………………………………………………… Date ………………