Simon Minney Riding Gate House, Riding Gate.

Stoke Trister with Bayford Parish Council

Minutes of a Site Planning Meeting of 

Stoke Trister with Bayford Parish Council held on Friday 11 October 2019 at10.20 am

Present:  Cllrs: N Linsley (Chairman) J Macfarlane and M Summerfield.

1. Apologies – Cllrs: M Grant, J McKenna, R Webb-Bowen and J Garrett

2. Declarations of Interest – None

3. Planning 

Planning Application No: 19/02369/FUL

Applicant: Mr Simon Minney

Location:  Riding Gate House, Riding Gate, Wincanton. BA9 8NQ

Proposal:  Conversion of an existing outbuilding to an annex/holiday let.


  1. On principle restoring this building there are no objections. It is a positive approach to restore and old building.
  2. One comment we wish to make is that the existing pantiles be used rather than the tiles on the application. This would maintain the character of an old building.
  3. When we reviewed the planning Application No: 19/00448/HOU we requested that the mobile home should be removed.
  4. We note that that there is now a substantial wood cladded building in place now. Has planning permission been granted for this? 
  5. Will this also be used for a holiday let?
  6. Will planning permission be required for change of use for both of these buildings for holiday lets?

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Chairman Date