Stoke Trister with Bayford Parish Council
Minutes of a Site Planning Meeting of
Stoke Trister with Bayford Parish Council held on 2 August 2019 at 10.00 am
Present: Cllrs: N Linsley (Chairman) M Grant (Vice Chairman) M Summerfield, J Macfarlane, J McKenna , R Webb-Bowen and J Garrett
Public: Patricia Gillman (Clerk) Libby Patterson
1. Apologies – None
2. Declarations of Interest – None
3. Planning
Planning Application No: 19/01778/FUL
Applicant: Mrs J Calderwood
Location: Land rear of 2 Cambria Villas Devenish Lane Bayford Wincanton. BA9 9NG
Proposal: The erection of a new single storey dwelling and the formation of a new vehicular access off Bayford Hill – re-submission
The site planning meeting was attended by all 7 Councillors, 4 of whom were new to the Council.
This application was unanimously refused by all Councillors on the basis of:
- The plot in question is far too small for any development.
- The recreation space is not sufficient for 2 properties.
- We reiterate our previous concerns over the dangerous access onto Bayford Hill. We believe that Highways has not visited this site before making their observations. We ask that Highways at SSDC visit this site before any decision is made by the planning officer.
- It would be taking away a decent family house and garden.
- As this is one of a pair of semi detached properties any development as applied for would make it disproportionate on one side of a garden.
- It is basically garden grab and overdevelopment.
The Chairman stated that the applicant had contacted her by telephone asking if the meeting could be moved to another day as she was unable to be there. The Chairman’s response was that we couldn’t and she should try to get a representative to be there.
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Chairman Date