Stoke Trister with Bayford Parish Council
Minutes of a Site Planning Meeting of
Stoke Trister with Bayford Parish Council held on 10.00 am on Friday 29 March 2019
Present: Cllrs: E Parsons (Chairman) N Linsley, J Macfarlane, M Grant and M Summerfield.
1. Apologies – Cllr: T MacCaw
2. Declarations of Interest – None
3. Planning
Application No: 19/00448/HOU
Applicant: Mr Simon Minney
Location: Riding Gate House, Riding Gate, Bayford, Wincanton. BA9 8NQ
Proposal: Erection of two storey side extension, re-building of front porch and erection of oak framed lean-to.
Stoke Trister with Bayford Parish Council attended an on site planning meeting today re the above application.
There were no objections to this application providing that there was:
1. Adequate space to turn cars so that they did not have to reverse onto the highway.
2. The old caravan was to be removed.
3. The new building to be sympathetically built and in keeping with the existing building.
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Chairman Date