Stoke Trister with Bayford Parish Council
Minutes of a Site Planning Meeting of
Stoke Trister with Bayford Parish Council held on 26 April 2019 at10.00 am
Present: Cllrs: E Parsons (Chairman) J Macfarlane and M Summerfield.
1. Apologies – Cllrs: T MacCaw and N Linsley.
2. Declarations of Interest – None
3. Planning
Planning Application No: 18/01991/FUL
Location: Land at Sycamore Barn, Stoke Trister. Wincanton. BA9 9PE
Proposal: The conversion of existing domestic storage building into a single dwelling and provision of associated parking and turning area.
We have no objection to the smaller building being ancillary to the main house. We do object to the conversion of the larger building into a house separate to the main house.
This application does not appear to conform to the requirements of the NPPF which discourages new dwellings in a rural settlement and is contrary to the Stoke Trister with Bayford local plan. This building does not have any architectural merit and it is doubtful whether it would enhance its surroundings as a number of houses would be cramped together in a small area giving the impression that this could be the start of a larger housing development?
Our views as a Parish Council have not changed from the last application and therefore recommend refusal of this application.
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Chairman Date