Haskett, Thornton, Church Farm Stoke Trister, Wincanton.

Stoke Trister with Bayford Parish Council

Minutes of a Site Planning Meeting of 

Stoke Trister with Bayford Parish Council held on 10.00 am on Friday 8 March 2019

Present:  Cllrs: E Parsons, N Linsley, J Macfarlane, M Grant and M Summerfield

Public: Janet Montgomery, Elizaberth Becker, Jane Turner,Mr & Mrs Garrett, Ian Piper, Alison Dixon, Mr & Mrs Phillips and Mr Wheeler.

Clerk in attendance:

Mrs P Gillman

1. Apologies – Cllr; T MacCaw

2. Declarations of Interest – None

3. Planning 

Planning Application No: 19/00258/OUT

Applicant: Mr M and Miss F Haskett and Thornton

Location:  Land at Church Farm, Stoke Trister, Wincanton BA9 9PG

Proposal:  Outline application with all matters reserved for the redevelopment of Church Farm buildings and bungalow and erection of 2 dwellings.


Stoke Trister with Bayford Parish Council attended a site planning meeting today.

The Parish Council met with Mr Haskett’s representative Janet Montgomery and 9 members of the public. The Council was split on several facets of the application as under:

  1. Some were in favour of allowing the 2 dwellings being constructed subject to approval of detailed plans.
  2. Clear majority wanted a ban on further future development on this site.
  3. All the Councillors felt that the destruction of the farm buildings i.e the barns and the bungalow would mean that the farm was being killed off completely (the country needs farms) leaving a large tract of land with inadequate access and is not in keeping with current policies.

The nine residents of Stoke Trister present at this meeting raised the following concerns:-

1.  The lanes are not suitable for extra traffic being single track and there will be difficulty accessing the farmland if the farmyard is developed as a residential site.

2.  The Parish Plan states that there is no support for development within this rural settlement.

3. If two houses are permitted it could create a precedent and more housing could follow.

4.  Why demolish a 1980’s bungalow which could be let to a family?

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Chairman Date