Draft Minutes of the Stoke Trister with Bayford Parish Council Meeting 9th of March 2023

Chair: Mrs Niru Linsley, Newell House, Bayford Hill, Bayford, Wincanton
Locum Clerk: Kate Fullerton, 25 Helena Road, Yeovil, Somerset BA20 2HQ
Email: stoketristerpc@gmail.com Tel: 07712 398985
Website: www.stoketristerbayford.net

Draft Minutes of the Stoke Trister with Bayford Parish Council Meeting
The Mission Rooms, Bayford Hill, Bayford, Wincanton
Thursday 9th of March 2023 at 7.30pm
Cllrs N Linsley, J Garret, R Webb-Bowen, L Rose-Walker
In attendance:
Clerk: K Fullerton
i. Public Forum:
No public present
ii. To receive reports from Somerset Council Councillors
Councillor reports were emailed prior to the meeting.
7:30pm Meeting opened.
1/22/1 To receive any apologies for absence
Apologies received from Cllrs Robinson and Grant.
RESOLVED: Apologies accepted.
1/22/2 To receive declarations of interest
1/22/3 To agree the Minutes of the parish council meeting held on the 12th of January 2023
RESOLVED: To approve the Minutes as a true and accurate record of the meeting.
1/22/4a Planning Matters – To consider new planning applications – 23/00046/COU
RESOLVED: To adopt the proposal by the planning meeting held on the 3rd of March
1/22/4b Planning Matters – To note any other planning matters received since the agenda
was prepared
RESOLVED: To remove this item from the agenda going forward.
1/22/4c Planning Matters – To note any planning decisions by South Somerset District
Council (SSDC)
1/22/5a Highways – To receive a report from Cllr Grant
Cllr Grant indicated he no longer wished to have responsibility for this report/item.
Members agreed to ask Cllr Robinson if she would like to take responsibility for this report
going forward.
1/22/5b Highways – To receive an update on the installation of the Speed Indicator Devices
The Ranger has been booked to install the SIDs next week. The Clerk has purchased
some jubilee clips as required for the installation. Members agreed to see how the solar
panelled power works and how long it lasts before purchasing a battery charger.
1/22/5c Highways – To note any road safety issues
1/22/5d Highways – To note road closure notices:
i. ttro736591SS noted.
ii. ttro273637SS noted.
iii. ttro381715SS noted.
iv. ttro879626SS noted.
1/22/5e Highways – To discuss Beech Lane
No update. Members agreed this item should be removed from future agendas.
1/22/6 Footpaths – To receive a report from Cllr Garret
It was noted a new gate has been installed at Cllr Garret’s request and a stile has been
reported and is due to be replaced. The report notes a requirement for additional dog foul
1/22/7a Financial Matters – To consider a grant request from CATBus to support general
service costs of running the service
RESOLVED: To deny this request as Members felt it wouldn’t benefit the parish.
1/22/7b Financial Matters – To consider a grant request from St John’s Ambulance to
finance a community support vehicle
RESOLVED: To deny this request as the parish council has already made a grant to St.
John’s Ambulance this year.
1/22/7c Financial Matters – To consider a grant request from Bayford Movies
RESOLVED: To deny this request as it is known that the cost to those attending the movie
nights has recently been reduced.
1/22/7d Financial Matters – To seek a resolution to ratify the instruction of internal auditor
Paul Russell, at a cost of £150 (plus VAT)
RESOLVED: To instruct the internal auditor for £150 to audit the accounts for 2022/23.
1/22/7e Financial Matters – To seek a resolution to ratify the instruction of a Ranger to
install the SIDs at a cost of £80.03 (plus VAT)
RESOLVED: To instruct the Ranger to install the SIDs at a cost of £80.03.
1/22/7f Financial Matters – To seek a resolution to ratify the purchase of 12 large jubilee
clips and a battery charger for the SIDs
RESOLVED: To ratify the purchase of the jubilee clips. Members decided to observe how
the solar panelled batteries worked before deciding whether to purchase a battery charger.
1/22/7g Financial Matters – To note the precept request form was submitted before the
deadline of the 20th of January 2023
1/22/7h Financial Matters – To alter the Lloyds bank mandate to remove the former Clerk
and add additional signatories
RESOLVED: To alter the mandate by adding the Locum Clerk and Members not currently
on the mandate.
ACTION: Cllr Linsley
1/22/7i Financial Matters – To receive a statement of account for all parish council bank
Statements were prepared by Cllr Linsley and circulated to Members ahead of the
1/22/7j Financial Matters – To seek a resolution to make the following payments:
i. P Gillman – Final out-going Clerk salary January 2023 – £95.04 PD BACS
ii. K Fullerton – Locum Clerk salary January 2023 – £319.20 PD BACS
iii. HMRC – PAYE October 22 & January 23 – £PD BACS
iv. K Fullerton – Locum Clerk salary February 23 – £319.20 PD BACS
v. HMRC – PAYE February 23 – £PD BACS
vi. K Fullerton – Locum Clerk Jan – March 23, mileage and expenses – £194.64 DUE
vii. K Fullerton – Locum Clerk expenses (jubilee clips for SIDs) – £19.77 DUE BACS
viii. N Linsley – Reimbursement of MS365 Jan & Feb 23 – £22.56 DUE BACS
RESOLVED: To approve the above payments.
ACTION: Cllrs Linsley, Garret
1/22/8 Riding Gate and East View
No update. Members asked the Clerk to remove Riding Gate from this item on future
1/22/9 Leigh Common – Grass keep tender
Tenders have been received from five applicants so far. Members asked the Clerk to
respond to each applicant asking for their best and final offers. Members will agree the
successful applicant by email and ratify the decision at the May parish council meeting.
ACTION: Clerk, All Cllrs
1/22/10 Defibrillator – report from Cllr Garret
Nothing to report currently.
1/22/11 Parish Survey
Cllr Garret explained that the document is a ‘working document’ and will require additional
information on what action is viable and isn’t viable to address the document findings.
This information would be reviewed periodically and updated as appropriate.
1/22/12 Parish maintenance (to compile a list of work required)
Members agreed the annual parish council meeting would provide the perfect opportunity
to discuss with the community what maintenance work is required. Item deferred until the
July meeting (after the annual meeting of the parish).
ACTION: Cllr Linsley
1/22/13 Local Council Networks (LCNs) – assigned to Wincanton Network
Noted that Stoke Trister with Bayford is part of the Wincanton Group from the 1st of April
1/22/14 To discuss any issues with the website
Cllr Linsley informed Members the website has been updated with Minutes and Agendas
up until February 2023. There was an agreement for assistance to be provided for
2023/24 at an annual cost of £75.00. It was noted there was a significant amount of
information still required on the website to meet the transparency requirements (standing
orders, financial regulations, bank reconciliations, expenditure over £100 etc.).
ACTION: Cllr Linsley, Clerk
1/22/15 To consider plans for King Charles III Coronation (6th -8th May)
It was noted a community group is organising an appropriate parish celebration of this
1/22/16 To discuss priorities for the village tidy-up
This item was deferred to the July parish council meeting. Cllr Linsley thought it might be
worth considering instructing a parish Ranger to carry out some work in the parish.
1/22/17 Clerk vacancy
The parish council has received several interested emails but has received no follow up
after details of the position has been sent. Cllr Linsley would like to speak to the Somerset
Association of Local Councils (SALC) for advice on how to progress filling the vacancy.
ACTION: Cllr Linsley
1/22/18 Rubbish bin
Item to be removed from future agendas.
1/22/19 Flowers
Item to be removed from future agendas.
1/22/20 To receive correspondence
a) SCC – Consultation notifications – Somerset Statement of Community Involvement
1st February to 16th March 2023 – Noted.
b) From Town Council – vote of no confidence in MP David Warburton – Members
declined to get involved as they felt it was potentially a political issue.
1/22/21 To note items for the next agenda
ï‚· Litter/McDonalds.
ï‚· Consider interim internal audit report.
ï‚· Annual parish council items; standing orders, financial regs, code of conduct,
declarations of interest.
1/22/22 To note the date of the next meeting
11th May 2023 at 7pm – Annual Parish Council Meeting.