THURSDAY 11th May 2023 AT 7.30pm

Public Forum
Prior to the start of the meeting the Chairman gives leave to members of the public to speak.

  1. To carry out the Annual Parish Council Matters:
    a) To receive the Chairman’s Annual Report
    b) To elect a chairman
    c) To elect a Vice Chairman (optional)
    d) To note any Committees (HR basic requirement)
    e) To allocate roles and responsibilities
    f) To adopt the Standing Orders
    g) To adopt the Financial Regulations
    h) To adopt the NALC Code of Conduct
    i) To receive any amended/updated Register of interest forms
    j) To confirm the Asset Register as of 31st March 2023
    k) To review the Parish Council Risk Assessment for the year beginning 1st April 2024
  2. To receive apologies for absence
  3. To receive declarations of interest
  4. To approve the Minutes of the parish council meeting held on the 9th of March 2023
    A resolution is sought to approve and sign the minutes as a true record.
  5. Planning Matters
    a) To consider new planning applications:
    i. To receive a proposal resulting from the planning committee site meeting of the 31st of March 2023, to support the following planning applications:
    Planning Application No.: 23/00604/COL – Clear Springs Farm, Beech Lane, Stoke Trister, Wincanton.
    Planning Application No.: 22/01210/FUL – Bayford Mission Hall, Bayford Hill, Wincanton, Somerset.
    ii. To receive a proposal resulting from the planning committee site meeting of the 21st of April 2023, to support the following planning applications:
    Planning Application No.: 23/00652/FUL – Mitchells Farm (Puckles Farm), Stoke Trister Road, Stoke Trister, Wincanton.
    Planning Application No.: 23/00653/HOU – Mitchells Farm (Puckles Farm), Stoke Trister Road, Stoke Trister, Wincanton.
    b) To note any planning decisions from SSDC
  6. Highways
    a) To note road closure notices:
    i. Ttro011826SS – Bayford Lane, Stoke Trister
    ii. Ttro281924SS – WW Stoke Trister Lane, Stoke Trister
    iii. Ttro730848SS – High Street, Abbas and Templecombe
  7. Footpaths – Cllr Garrett
  8. Financial Matters
    a) To receive the Interim Internal Audit Report for year ending 31st March 2023
    b) To hear feedback from the internal audit working party meeting held on the 3rd of May 2023 and agree an action plan to implement the suggestions from the report.
    c) To set a date for an extraordinary parish council meeting in June to sign off the AGAR 2022/23
    d) To consider three quotes for parish council insurance policy, effective 1st June 2023
    e) To confirm the precept of £10,000 has been received.
    f) To alter the Lloyds bank account mandate to remove the former Clerk and add additional signatories- Chair Linsley
    g) To receive a Statement of Account for all bank accounts – Chair Linsley
    h) To seek a resolution to make the following payments:

BACS K Fullerton – Locum Clerk salary April + overtime 2023 – PAID £444.00
BACS HMRC – PAYE April 2023 – PAID Confidential
BACS K Fullerton – Office (wfh) and mileage expenses April – May 2023, reimbursements £164.99
J Garrett – reimbursement for defibrillator spares – PAID £112.80
BACS Stoke Trister with Bayford PCC – grant towards tree works (‘opening up safely’ grant) £500.00
BACS Payman – payroll services 2023-24 – Inv230536 £84.00
BACS Microshade Business Consultants Ltd – Internal audit 22/23 Inv17621 £180.00
BACS SALC – Internal / external audit training – Inv2151 £15.00
BACS N Linsley – Reimbursement of Microsoft 365 subscription April & May 2023 £22.56

  1. To consider nominees for the Chair’s Award for Service to the Community 2023
  2. To note resignation from Laura Rose-Walker
  3. Leigh Common – Grass Keep Tender
    To ratify the decision to award the grass keep tender to the successful candidate who offered the best rate.
  4. Defibrillator – Cllr Garrett
  5. To discuss progress on the Parish Survey – Cllr Garrett
  6. To consider website management options for 2023/24
  7. To discuss the clerk vacancy and any potential candidates
  8. To receive correspondence
    a) Somerset Council – Bin review and recommend opportunity
  9. To note items for the next agenda
  10. To note the date of the next meeting